Kim Calvert


Relay for Life raise money for cancer

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Relay for Life is a challenging and fun community event to celebrate cancer survivors and those who look after them, remember loved ones lost to cancer and raise awareness and money for the fight against cancer in New Zealand. During the event, teams of people take turns walking/running laps over a 24 hour period. Cottonsoft contributed to this inspiring event in 2005 and 2007 by having a team involved in the 24 hour relay and sponsoring the Relay for Life within the Invercargill area.  In 2012, Cottonsoft donated tissue and paper towel products in support of the Auckland event.  One of next year’s events will be held in Auckland on the 29-30 March 2014 and Cottonsoft will again be supporting the event with donations of tissue and paper products.

Relay For Life website: