Cottonsoft NZ is Running; Toilet tissue supply update
Despite confusing headlines, Cottonsoft is running flat out making toilet paper right here in New Zealand! Just like the last 30 years, only bigger & faster!
Cottonsoft manufacture out of 2 state of the art sites in Auckand and 1 in Dunedin.
Key skus of Paseo, CottonSofts, EarthSmart & our customers own brands of toilet tissue continue to be made in our three manufacturing sites in Dunedin plus Manukau & East Tamaki in Auckland. Not all pack sizes are in full supply, but we’re working on it!
With the exit from NZ by some toilet paper brands, ongoing Covid impacts on labour & logistics, plus the well reported lock out of workers from a Kawerau based toilet paper maker, the local supply of toilet paper is constrained but Cottonsoft remains NZs #1 retail supplier* still running to cpacity. 24/7 in some sites even.
Recent headlines have suggested we don’t make it in NZ…our 210 team members, hundreds of great suppliers & customers, plus millions of consumers might have a different view…
Consumer NZ has ‘tested’ toilet paper & concluded EarthSmart is NZs best – we appreciate the kudos, but are amused by the test criteria which do not align with the views of 5 million NZ consumers and the brand & consumer attributes we most value!
We’re too busy running flat out making NZs top selling toilet paper brands to worry about correcting the media right now, but please be assured we will pick our time to get the facts straight.
Best regards, Ralphy the Roll & Team Cottonsoft NZ
*Cottonsoft NZ remains New Zealand’s #1 supplier ($ MAT AND Volume to August 2022; IRI scan sales data for NZ Grocery) of retail toilet tissue.